SFER is excited to invite you to our....
Off Term Opportunities in Education
Dinner Panel & Discussion

featuring upperclass students who have had various internships
domestic & abroad
 in teaching, policy, non-profits, and more!

Tuesday, October 20th
Paganucci Lounge
~Dinner provided by The Orient~

Hear from Dartmouth students who have worked at:
Breakthrough Collaborative (alumni of multiple sites: Greater Boston, Hong Kong, San Francisco, Pittsburgh, Manchester NH, NYC, San Juan Capistrano)
Teaching English as a Second Language in Peru
DC Prep Charter School
Students First
Summer Enrichment at Dartmouth (SEAD)
Teaching primary school in rural South Africa
Let's Get Ready!
Harlem RBI
Alliance for Excellent Education
State Legislature Education Committee

How did they find their jobs? Were they paid, or how did they find funding? Where did they live? What did they do? Did they like it? What tips do they have for the application process?


Students for Education Reform at Dartmouth