Partnerships in Pride  is...

·         Dartmouth’s undergraduate LGBTQIA+ peer mentorship program
·         A way to connect with other members of Dartmouth’s LGBTQIA+ community
·         A resource for those curious, questioning, or exploring their identity
Partnerships in Pride  sets up one-on-one, mentor-mentee pairs and also offers opportunities for all students to connect with Dartmouth LGBTQIA+ undergraduates and alumni.
Become a mentee! ** Whether you are questioning your sexuality, unsure how to adjust to life at Dartmouth, or looking to connect to Dartmouth’s LGBTQIA+ community, Partnerships in Pride has a place for you. Join today!
Mentee Questionnaire
Become a mentor! ** Want to contribute positively to Dartmouth’s LGBTQIA+ community? Looking to make more connections within the community? Apply now! (Open to sophomores, juniors, and seniors.) If selected, mentors will have to attend an hour and a half training on October 11th, 4-5:30pm. An alternative option is available if you have a non-avoidable conflict.
Mentor Application
Partnerships in Pride.