Armana? Panarna? ¿Blabamba?

I swear to God if someone fucks it up again...

Nope! It's:

*~*~Gender-Inclusive ~*~*

*~*~Undergraduate Society~*~*

The Glaucous Blue House 

23 East Wheelock Street

☼・Ever dream of a place to get away from campus, kick your feet up, and watch reruns of Gilmore Girls with friends? 

☼・Or get an itching to play the kazoo during steamy sex scenes? 

☼・How about hardcore late night discussions around the kitchen table about politics, technology, art, race, sexuality, and the meaning of life?

☼・Do midnight runs to the East Wheelock Snack Bar for mixers and snacks during finals make you feel warm and fuzzy? 

☼・What about waking up in luxurious singles and doubles and rooming with the coolest crew on campus? 

Still reading? Good, because


That's right! Formal wear, good cheese, great wine, even better friends.

Now, you must be wondering,

"How do I rush Amarna??"

Well, YOU DON'T!


Male? Female? Neither? Both?

Straight? Gay? Bi? Pan? Trans? Ace? 

Drop the bass?

Just stop on by, make yourself at home, and say the magic words,

"I want to join Amarna!"

~Then let the good times begin~



Not a house, a home.

1/5th of the Gender-Inclusive Council 

~(formerly the Co-ed Council)~

AmarnaPhi TauAlpha Theta

The TabardPanarchy

[¿Need help finding us?]

We're just past the East Wheelock Cluster and Alumni Gym, just across the intersection. 

"Look for my Ecuadorian flag!" 

・Chicaiza-Morales '17









































And now... back to the other houses that had a lot to say about GIC on Yikyak, GC, what's good?

*mic drop*