What's up, Dartmouth? The Parliamentary Debate Team will be holding our first meeting of 15F Wednesday, 9/16 @7:30 PM in Carpenter Hall 201F (the building in between Baker and Carson).

No applications, no tryouts, and no previous debate experience is necessary!

What's parli?

Parliamentary debate (parli) is an exciting, competitive debate style that focuses on logical argumentation and persuasion rather than on cited evidence. Debaters write their own cases, which can be about almost anything, and develop both rhetorical skills and a wide breadth of knowledge.

How does parli work at Dartmouth?

We travel to colleges around the Northeast to compete with some of the best debaters and schools in the country. The time commitment is flexible depending on how much you want to compete -- there are tournaments almost every weekend, and members can go to as few or as many as they want to.

Some of our members won national debate awards in high school, others started out being scared of public speaking. Some of the best debaters in the country had no debate experience before college. No matter what your experience level is, it's a great way to hone your speaking and analytical skills and to join a community of people who like talking about interesting things.

Come check us out at Wednesday's open practice! We'll also be at the Student Activities Fair from 3-5 PM on the Green today. Can't wait to meet all of you!

The Parli Team