Hello everyone,

Come learn and/or practice the beautiful, non-choreographed social dance that is Argentine tango this Monday, September 21! No need to bring a partner, everyone is welcome.

This will be a beginner/All Levels Basic Technique class from 7:30 PM to 8:30 PM, taught by Marta Ceroni and Armin Helisch. After the classes there will be practice dancing (practica) until at least 10 pm and experienced dancers will be available for help.

There is no need to bring a partner, as many people will come without partners and partner rotations will be encouraged during the class. Please bring a pair of clean shoes which allow you to pivot on the dance floor.

Price: FREE for Dartmouth students; for all others, only $5 per class! PE credit offered for undergraduates!
The practicas after the classes are FREE for everyone!

Location: Sarner Underground

Date and Time: Monday, Sept 21 7:30 PM

We look forward to seeing you on Monday! (and please let us know if you have any questions)

-Silvia for DATS