Do you love food?   Do you love friends? Do you like singing, but less than food and friends?


Come audition for The Dartmouth Subtleties!

Saturday Sept. 19 (TOMORROW) 10 AM 
Dartmouth Hall 105

Please prepare a verse and a chorus from a song of your choosing and come jam out with us!

Ladies of all years are welcome!



Since our union in 1998, we have grown into a group of strong women who use a cappella as a way to sing, dance, and laugh together. We arrange songs that we are excited to sing, regardless of whether they fall under typical a cappella fare or not. We perform at Greek houses, charity events, and on our yearly tours nation-wide. We use songs, choreography, and costumes to let loose, have fun, and express ourselves. We see music as a way to create a deep connection with people. We know that each member of the group and each member in our audience comes from different backgrounds and holds different passions. We aim to unite these people through the emotional, universal experience of music. 

We are The Dartmouth Subtleties.