Saturday, September 19

Registration @10:00 AM in Dartmouth Hall 105

Auditions 11:00 AM-5 PM in Reed 103

Callbacks Saturday evening (time TBD) in Hartman Rehearsal Hall (basement of the Hop)

Questions? Respond to this blitz or go to<>


Frequently Asked Questions:

Where is my 9L?

My 9L is in LSC 201. Are you in my class? If so, that's where it is.

Are avocados vegetables or fruits?

Avocados are single-seeded berries, so they are in fact, fruits.

Do you ever feel like a plastic bag?

I actually use sustainable reusable bags, thanks.

Would you like fries with that?

No, thank you; may I have the apple slices instead?

What do you mean?

Go away, Justin Bieber<>.

How much wood could a woodchuck chuck if a woodchuck could chuck wood?

Really? Do we look like Siri?

Are there birds in Canada?


If you made a Skittles pizza, would the Skittles melt?


What is the logarithmic unit that expresses the ratio of two values of a physical quantity, often power or intensity?

This isn't Jeopardy<>, Turd Ferguson<>.

Are there birds in Canada?


Why do teenage girls hang out in odd-numbered groups?

Because they can't even.

I had a Pumpkin Spice Latte this morning.

That wasn't a question.

Should I audition for the Decibelles?

I mean, I might be a little biased, but I'd recommend it.