... to change the conversation on Mental Health!! :)

*~* Active Minds *~*
will be hosting our first meeting of 15F

Tuesday, Sept.22nd @ 7:00pm
Fahey Ground Floor Lounge

There, you will find...
1.) Tantalizing Discussion ; stigma deterioration ; positive vibe feelin'
2.) Lou's Pies #yum
3.) Leadership Positions available (Anyone/everyone is encouraged to get involved, no matter past engagement or class year! At our first meeting we will be having elections.)*
4.) Absolutely no strings attached (your commitment to AMs is what you want it to be!!)

*If you are at all curious, interested, or questioning becoming a leader/executive for Active Minds, please feel free to blitz the account for more information! Otherwise, stay tuned!!

We're changing the conversation on mental health.
Join us!

"Through campus-wide events and national programs, Active Minds aims to remove the stigma that surrounds mental health issues, and create a comfortable environment for an open conversation about mental health issues on campuses nationwide" (activeminds.org<http://activeminds.org/>).