WELCOME to 15F!!

We're so excited to share our Fall Calendar of Events with you (see bottom of THIS blitz)!  Check out our preview video to see what we've got coming up!


Collis After Dark 15F Preview
Everything Collis After Dark has planned for 15F!
Watch now...<https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=43ENQ6X4i58>

We kick things off FRIDAY with the world-famous improv comedy group UPRIGHT CITIZENS BRIGADE in Common Ground at 10pm - with special guests Dartmouth's own CASUAL THURSDAY.

<<SPECIAL OPPORTUNITY>> We have VERY limited spots to participate in a special FREE improv workshop with Upright Citizens Brigade on Friday afternoon at 4pm! Never thought about improv? Try it out here!! First ones to sign up get the available spots -- use this form to sign up and we'll be in touch if you get a spot: http://goo.gl/forms/QbG6lBcg5e

SATURDAY - bring a team or join up with one on site for BLACKLIGHT LASER TAG in SARNER UNDERGROUND.  10pm-2am and we'll have pizza while you wait for a chance to play.

CLICK HERE TO ADD OUR EVENTS TO YOUR CALENDAR.<http://%20https://www.google.com/calendar/ical/tkmd4bckbfd56983i4c7l9q2ao%40group.calendar.google.com/public/basic.ics>

Here's what else we have coming up this fall:
