5:30 pm to 7 pm 

West Gym by the bags

Mondays, Wednesdays, Thursdays

Tomorrow is boxing club's first practice of the term. 

This way, if someone in line for Collis pasta tells you that you aren't qualified enough to write for The Stall Street Journal, you'll be able to challenge them to a fight on Robo lawn and maybe win after learning how to box with us. (actually we are all pacifists and, for the record, we don't condone bare-knuckle brawls outside of Robo after someone rudely crushes your dreams and takes your lunch money. Additionally, the Collis staff probably wouldn't stand for this sort of lateral oppression, they would support you so that you wouldn't have to get in a fight.)

Come dance with us.

 (also here's a gif of a punching bag hopefully)