Want to meet undergraduate women interested in business?
Have questions about recruiting and internships?

Then join us tomorrow for our first meeting of the fall term!
Meet and make connections with members who have a wide range of internship experiences including Bain & Company, Goldman Sachs, Credit Suisse, Nomura, MM LaFleur, and McKinsey & Co. Come ask questions about industries and internships in a relaxed environment.

MONDAY, September 21st
6 -7 PM
Carson L02

**All majors, genders and classes are welcome


Also, join us Wednesday, September 23rd at 6pm in Kemeny 105 for a discussion with Brown Advisory.

The discussion will be led by Dune Thorne, a partner in the firm's Boston office and a Dartmouth alum. Ms. Thorne also earned an MBA from Harvard Business School where she completed independent studies on women and investing, as well as angel investing.

Brown Advisory is an independent investment management and strategic advisory firm with over $50 billion in client assets, based in the U.S and U.K. Brown Advisory will be recruiting '17s for their summer internship this coming Winter.