~now with gelato~

Does a blank stare come across your face whenever somebody mentions the Israeli-Palestinian conflict
Do you know a little bit about what’s going on over there, but still feel a little less-than-confident about the whole thing? 
Do you know everything there is to know, but still just can’t get enough?

Whatever your answer, yes or no, come to the first J Street U event of the term! 

We’re going to be telling you everything you need to know about the conflict and more, and there’s going to be gelato (and gelato cake) to boot.

WHEN: Thursday, September 24th @ 7:00 PM 
WHERE: Rocky 002
WHAT: Free gelato, good conversation and awesome people

J Street U is a pro-Israel, pro-peace, pro-Palestinian group that promotes American diplomatic leadership in achieving a two-state solution as an end to the Israeli-Palestinian conflict.  We believe that Israeli security and democracy, as well as Palestinian human rights and statehood, can only be achieved through a two-state solution based on 1967 borders with mutually agreed-upon land swaps. J Street U is the student arm of J Street.

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