Want to help fight cancer and find a cure?

Do you have a family member, friend, or loved one who is fighting or who fought cancer?

Join Colleges Against Cancer.

What is Colleges Against Cancer?

Colleges Against Cancer works with the American Cancer Society to organize events throughout the year (including Relay for Life of Dartmouth College in the spring) to raise money for ACS and awareness about cancer. The money we raise goes to cancer research and support for cancer patients.

Everybody (even if you're not a '19!) is welcome to join. Swing by our table at the Activities Fair on Tuesday, September 15th from 3 - 5 pm to find out more, and/or blitz us at [log in to unmask]

The application to join will be sent out following the Activities Fair and the general interest meeting.

Check us out on Facebook<https://www.facebook.com/DartmouthRelay> and Twitter<https://twitter.com/Dartmouth_Relay>!