OPAL Impact 15X: What Kind of ______ Will You Be?
Deadline to sign up: Monday, July 6th


Leadership is a process that involves sustained introspection and collaborative communication. Effective leadership requires paying mindful attention to the impact our decisions have on those around us.

OPAL Impact is a 6-week program that espouses leadership development as purposeful, collaborative, and values-based.

OPAL Impact participants will:

*         Learn to use personal strengths to help a greater cause and/or community grow, develop, and succeed

*         Discover individual values and cultivate the conviction to act accordingly

*         Enrich their perspectives as leaders by learning to recognize, validate, and include others' experiences

*         Develop the capacity to translate group input into common goals

*         Enhance their ability to mobilize and motivate others around a shared vision

More information and sign-up at http://www.dartmouth.edu/~opal/leadership<http://dartmouth.us9.list-manage.com/track/click?u=eca9a81ff0ca1897c229155b6&id=80409347ae&e=40bba0d702>