
Come celebrate Shabbat TONIGHT with our special termly

T'filah B'Shira: Prayer in Song

featuring the Dartmouth Hillel-UVJC Choir,

Directed by Evan Griffith '15

This final T'filah B'Shira under Griffith's direction will feature diverse choral works to accompany our Friday service, including music specially commissioned for Dartmouth Hillel.

Open to ALL, with a free gourmet meal immediately following!

6:00pm Friday, May 29th

The Roth Center for Jewish Life

Dartmouth College Hillel is our campus chapter of Hillel International: The Foundation for Jewish Campus Life.
Our Executive Board:
Sam Libby, David Mannes, Josh Pearl, Ariel Klein, and Jonah Kelly
Our Weekly Schedule:
Monday: Open meetings at 6 pm, followed by dinner and conversation at 7 pm*
Wednesday: Jews and Java (free coffee) at Starbucks from 3-5 pm
Thursday: Jew Croo (free dinner for '18s) at 6 pm*
Friday: Torah Study with Rabbi Boraz at 5pm, Shabbat services at 6 pm, followed by dinner at 7 pm*

*Located in the Roth Center for Jewish Life (white building behind the Choates)