1) Sunday Night Chapel

2) Multi-Faith Conversations: “Running from Suffering”

3) Dartmouth I Am Here

4) Aquinas House: Luke Sephar

5) Steinbruck Center at Luther Place




1) Sunday Night Chapel

Hilary Johnson ’15 is preaching this week at Sunday Night Chapel (5pm in Rollins). 


The term’s theme - “Dear Dartmouth” - gives our student preachers an opportunity to reflect back on their Dartmouth career and share how their faith has grown because of their time here, through times of joy and struggle.

So take a break from studying, come here Hilary preach about her faith experience at Dartmouth, and leave renewed.  All are welcome.




2) Multi-Faith Conversations: “Running from Suffering”

"When we’re anxious, disconnected, vulnerable, alone, and feeling helpless, the booze and food and work and endless hours online feel like comfort, but in reality they’re only casting their long shadows over our lives.” – Brené Brown 

Does Dartmouth’s culture encourage us to run from our suffering? How can we find meaning in difficult situations? 

Tuesday May 12th, 5:30-7:00pm

Meet at Tucker Foundation room 105, we may eat outside depending on the weather




3) Dartmouth I Am Here


Have a story about how socioeconomic class has impacted you or a friend's Dartmouth experience? 

Fill out the following link to be featured in the #DartmouthIAmHere photo campaign!  http://goo.gl/forms/csa7Dxn6wJ You are also welcome to submit anonymously if you're camera shy :)


Note: You do NOT have to be from a specific socioeconomic background to share. We welcome all perspectives and allies!


Questions: Emily.K.Chan.16@dartmouth.edu; Hui.Z.Cheng.16@dartmouth.edu




4) Aquinas House: Luke Sephar

Aquinas House welcomes Luke Sephar to Dartmouth on May 14th at 9pm in the Great Hall of AQ!

Admission is FREE for everyone! Luke's music is spiritually uplifting, deeply moving, and has something for everyone.

No RSVP is needed! Come for a great night of live music and bring a friend.


[log in to unmask]





5) Steinbruck Center at Luther Place

Steinbruck Center, Washington D.C.

The Steinbruck Center is hiring for a full time experiential learning coordinator. They get lodging as well as a monthly salary. We are looking to fill the position for 8/1.  http://www.lutherplace.org/get-involved/hiring

For more information please contact Adam Knowlton-Young at [log in to unmask]





Questions? Want to get involved? 

Blitz 'Tucker Foundation' 
Come by our offices in South Fairbanks Hall! (Behind the Class of 1953 Commons)
Like us on Facebook! http://facebook.com/TuckerFoundation

The William Jewett Tucker Foundation

"Nurturing the heart and soul of Dartmouth College"

Tucker Foundation 

6154 South Fairbanks
Hanover NH 03755
Phone: (603) 646-3350
Fax (603) 646-2645
Website: http://www.dartmouth.edu/~tucker
Facebook: http://www.facebook.com/tuckerfoundation