How does the national debt and federal budget policy affect our nation? What can be done to fix the national debt? What would bi-partisan reform in federal budget policy look like?

Event: 2016 Election: Their Budget. Our Future. Rocky 002, tomorrow, Thursday April 16th at 4:30pm.

This event includes a panel on bi-partisan federal budget policy and features speaker Nick Troiano. Troiano ran for Congress in 2014 as an independent for Pennsylvania's 10th district and is the co-founder of The Can Kicks Back, an organization that educates young Americans about the national debt.

Included in the panel are Bill Zeliff, former Republican Congressman from New Hampshire's 1st district and Steve Marchand, former Democratic mayor of Portsmouth, NH. The panel will be followed by Q&A and a short interactive polling activity.

Event supported by the Rockefeller Center and co-sponsored by Dartmouth Rootstrikers, College Democrats and College Republicans