Want your resume to stand out?
Want to impress your interviewers?​
Want to become a published writer?

It sounds like you should join the 
Dartmouth Business Journal

The DBJ is looking for:
  • Writers
  • Students with layout or design experience, particularly Adobe InDesign
  • Webmasters
Come to our first interest meeting this term on TODAY at 6pm in Rocky 002 to get involved! We will also be distributing copies of our 15W issues and showcasing select pieces from our winter staff writers.

Bonus: we will have pizza!

If you're interested in finance, economics, government, or anything even tangentially related (drones, what happens to Olympic cities after the games, Keystone XL)?There's no better place for you!

If you can't come to the meeting, but still want to write this term, just reply to this email and we'll keep you posted!