
The current Rocky Leadership Fellows (RLF) will soon be looking for new Fellows for the coming academic year, and we encourage all interested '16s to apply!

?Come to our informal RLF info session to learn more!
?When: Tuesday (today), April 7, 2015
?Time: 5:30PM-6:30 PM
?Where: One Wheelock
There will be dessert!!
Applications due in ONE WEEK on April 14th!
APPLY HERE<http://rockefeller.dartmouth.edu/studentopps/applications.html#rlf> NOW!

Questions people frequently ask

What is RLF? I've heard such great things, but wish I knew some details.
RLF meets for two hours every Thursday (free dinner) during the fall and winter terms. In the spring term, you will put everything you learned into practice and select your successors. Speakers run interactive sessions to help you to reflect on key leadership ideas and concepts. Our speakers have included NBC network executive Bonnie Hammer, Senior Fellow at Harvard Business School David Ager, Chairman of NHS England Sir Malcolm Grant, ex-Marine officer and Dartmouth Trustee Nate Fick, and others! You will leave the program with a better sense of your leadership style and a network of friends that will last a lifetime.

For more information about the program, click here<http://rockefeller.dartmouth.edu/studentopps/rlf.html>.

This sounds too good to be true. How do I apply?
All '16s, from ALL areas of campus are eligible to apply. You do not have to be previously involved with Rockefeller Center programs. Apply here by April 14th.<http://rockefeller.dartmouth.edu/studentopps/applications.html#rlf> ?

No, you don't understand. I need answers NOW.
Direct your specific questions to [log in to unmask]<mailto:[log in to unmask]>

We look forward to seeing you at the information session and to reading your applications!?

The 2014-2015 Rockefeller Leadership Fellows

Anabelle Ferguson - Annie Oppenheim - Cade Cross - Chris Allen - Colin Walmsley - Eli Derrow - Elizabeth Blackburn - Elizabeth Treacy - Gillian O'Connell - Hugh Danilack - John Howard - Lindsay Newton - Lucas Katler - Mary Peng - Maxwell Gottschall - Ngozi Udeh - Nikita Sachdeva - Patrick Campbell - Sara Peterson - Hannah Jung - Shoshana Silverstein - Tatsuro Yamamura - Tendai Masangomai - Will Hogan - Zachary Schmidt