Welcome back to 15S!  Check out the full COLLIS AFTER DARK SPRING SCHEDULE HERE!<https://www.facebook.com/CollisAfterDark/photos/a.503633869725541.1073741825.372962142792715/797618950327030/>

THIS FRIDAY - SWEEP away your winter blues with

BROOMBALL! [+free donuts]

10p-1a @ Thompson Arena (sneakers only)

What IS Broomball you ask?

It's like hockey. In sneakers. With a broom. And it's AWESOME.

Still confused? Here watch this >> https://youtu.be/uu2oGURNmXo?t=10s (ignore the date, it's not our video)


THEN SATURDAY - don't miss


Mission IMPROVable

Award-winning Short Form Improv Comedy

Selected by colleges nationwide as the "Entertainers of the Year" 2013 & "Comedy Act of the Year" 2014
