The DFC keeps a pretty low profile throughout the year, but spring term is when we come out to play.
This term, there are tons of ways to get involved!

1) Join the Fashion Week Committee!
Be one of the founding peeps of Fashion Week at Dartmouth! Help us organize a series of awesome events and bring super amazing people to campus! If you're creative, organized, have a thing for fashion and want to make this happen as much as we do, reply to this blitz for more info!

2) Be a model in our annual spring fashion show!
The fashion show is the DFC's biggest event of the year and it's always a blast! No experience necessary. Come to our weekly rehearsals and you'll be Naomi Campbell be show time! 
First rehearsal is THIS SATURDAY at 3pm in Sarner Underground. Please bring heels. 

3) Apply to be a blogger!
Join our group of weekly contributors to the DFC Blog! To apply, simply submit a sample post to the DFC Blitz account by Sunday at midnight

Stay fabulous,


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