Interested in community engagement and volunteer opportunities? Learn about the many ways to get involved with causes that move you at the Tucker Foundation VOLUNTEER FAIR!



5 PM – 8 PM


Talk with current student volunteers about opportunities to:

*Introduce local youth to the fun and exciting world of computer programming with CoderDojo!

*Provide support services for survivors of domestic abuse, sexual assault, and stalking and work on a crisis hotline with WISE @ Dartmouth!

*Use running as a resource for reflection and problem solving to instill confidence, empathy, and a healthy lifestyle with local students as a part of Runners Stick Together!

*Provide resources and support for individuals with autism spectrum disorders with ASPIRE!

Come learn about these opportunities and many more!!


OLE - CoderDojo - Growing Change - America Reads - Red Cross Club - Jr. First Lego League - Cancer and Patient Services - Money $mart - Students Fighting Hunger - DREAM - Let's Get Ready - Haven After School & Cooking Programs - STAR - Prison Project - Animal Care Enthusiasts - Habitat for Humanity - WISE@D - Generations - Good Neighbors - Runners Stick Together - Special Olympics - ASPIRE - SIBS - & MORE! 