Subject: Info Session: MiddCORE Summer Innovation Program (3/10)

Introducing Middlebury's Award-Winning Leadership and Innovation Program: MiddCORE

What: MiddCORE Info Session
Where: Collis Common Ground
When: Tuesday, March 10th @ 4:00 PM

Need an incredible way to spend your summer? Look no further than this incredible innovation program held in Lake Tahoe.

“Everyone always told me that the world is my oyster.
MiddCORE taught me how to crack open the shell.
builds skills, creates opportunities, and expands networks for 
tomorrow’s leaders and innovators.

Spend a month on Lake Tahoe
working to solve real problems with local businesses and nonprofits, as well as developing your own
innovation challenge. 

Collaborate with mentors ranging from Youtube and Google to Governors and CFOs, learning the skills to make it in the real world. 

July 11 - August 8

Visit to learn more


Visit to learn more

Here’s a sweet video of the program