Join Amarna today, March 2nd for 
 Monday Night Dinner 
at 7pm, 23 East Wheelock Street:
a time to actually talk one-on-one with a prof like in the movies. But you know, real-life is disappointing.

This Monday, Amarna welcomes Professor Margaret Funnell, a professor in the Psychological and Brain Sciences Department. She will be talking about the Neuroscience of Mental Illness. Of course, expect a BOMBASS home-cooked, vegetarian meal.

On our menu tonight is: 
Penne Puttanesca

So stop on by, settle down, and actually talk to your profs for once.

Only at Amarna.
Not a house. A home. 

Don’t know where Amarna is?
(First of all, how dare you?)
Keep walking past the gym and East Wheelock and cross the intersection. You’ll find our navy blue house with Amarna over the door! It's kinda hard to miss it, so don't.