An afternoon puzzle for your amusement:

Word Scramble!

1. Aoy ddg
2. Litbussete
3. Hia cmg

Code breaking!

1=a, 2=b, 3=c, 4=d, 5=e... etc.

1. 4157 4125

2. 1921220125209519

3. 389 7113

Fill in the blank!

1. A golden retriever is a breed of ________. Her pelt shimmers when the sun is up, during the ______.

2. "SHHHHHHH!" Cried Jeremy. "You need to be more _________. Also, straighten up your ________."

3. I'll have a  ______ tea latte, _______  gam. You're the best grandma ever!

@ CHI GAM, 11:15pm TONIGHT