In 1996, a small group of Dartmouth men with a knack for singing came together and founded the corduroy clad gang that you all know and love. Although they had heart, their inexperienced voices simply didn’t compare to the teen pop boy band sensations that audiences swooned for back in their day (get duffed JT). They needed something extra to set the group apart from those damn boy bands and the older groups on campus. That something extra was good old-fashioned comedy. A cappella shows peppered with comedy skits were a hit in those early days for the boys, but as time went on, new Cords came, and old Cords went (into finance and consulting). Sometime around ’09 the guys abandoned the gags and found success with an exceptionally musically talented group. However, today, in the winter of 2015 the Dartmouth Cords choose to bring back the forgotten variety show and present to campus a multi-dimensional experience that expresses our group personality through music AND humor (aka a show that uses skits to distract the audience from our voices). Come see “The Variety Show” tonight!






The Dartmouth Cords present: The Variety Show!  


Wednesday (Tonight), February 25


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