Join Amarna today, February 9th for 
 Monday Night Dinner 
7pm, at 23 East Wheelock Street:
a time to meet with Professors, Faculty, and grad students over a hearty meal and an even heartier discussion. 

Tonight, Amarna welcomes Linguistics professor Laura McPherson, who teaches Ling 21, 26, and 35. She’ll explore American perceptions of the developing world and their evolution based on American interests.

Of course, we’ll have a great vegetarian meal to complement our great discussion. 
Our chef, Rebecca Drapkin ’13, will be making:
Home-style Chili!

Stop on by, kick your feet up, and put that liberal-arts education to work!

Only at Amarna.
Not a house. A home. 

Don’t know where Amarna is?
Keep walking past the gym and East Wheelock and cross the intersection. You’ll find our slate blue home with Amarna over the door! See you soon!