50 Shades of Grey?
More Like...
50 Shades of "heyyy"
50 shades of play
50 shades of Dre
50 Shades of mutually consensual interactions

Looking for the best place on campus to take a date?
Looking for the coolest spot to meet a potential date?
Wishing people would stop talking about Valentine's day and their dates?

We Got You.

The sisters of Sigma Delta Sorority Proudly Present:
50 Shades of Bey

A dance party to the sweet tunes of Queen Beyonce (and others)
Come celebrate Saturday night in whatever way you wish
Bring someone - find someone - dance on your own because you're perfect the way you are

11pm-2am TONIGHT, February 14th
Entrance with ID only, Cider for 21+
10 West Wheelock Street, the brick house across from Collis

**Sigma Delt does not approve of the unhealthy relationships or inaccurate portrayals of BDSM that are depicted in 50 Shades of Grey. We much prefer celebrating Beyonce**