All Dartmouth students, faculty and staff are invited to "Locked Up, Locked Out", on Tuesday, February 17th. Jointly hosted by Dartmouth's Physicians for Human Rights chapter and Nathan Smith Society, this event aims to discuss mass incarceration, racial discrimination within the US Justice System and some of the challenges of lowering recidivism rates.

Along with a keynote address by Professor Joy James from Williams College, the line-up of events will include an art gallery, a documentary screening of Broken on All Sides: Race, Mass Incarceration, & New Visions for Criminal Justice in the U.S., and an exciting panel discussion on the challenges of reintegration for former inmates as well as local efforts at reform. Dinner (Tastes of Africa) will be served!

Please RSVP:

(Link also includes further information about speakers and panelists.) Please DO NOT RSVP for dinner head count until double/triple checking your schedules, so we can avoid unnecessary expense.    Attendance without dinner is fine!

When and where?

Tuesday, February 17th, 5:00PM

Collis Common Ground, Dartmouth College, Hanover NH

Schedule of events:

5:00-5:30: Opening of Art Gallery and food serving

5:30-6:40: Screening of "Broken on All Sides"

6:40-7:20: Keynote address by Joy James

7:20-8:20: Reintegration Panel and closing remarks

We hope to see you there!
