50 Shades of Grey?
50 Shades of "heyyy"?
50 shades of play?
50 Shades of May?

Looking for the best place on campus to take a date?
Looking for the coolest spot to meet a potential date?
Wishing people would stop talking about Valentine's day and their stupid dates?!

We Got You.

The sisters of Sigma Delt Proudly Present:
50 Shades of Bey

A dance party to the sweet tunes of Queen Beyonce (and others)
Come celebrate Saturday night in whatever way you wish
Bring someone - find someone - dance on your own because you're perfect the way you are

11pm-2am Saturday, February 14th
Entrance with ID only, Cider for 21+
10 West Wheelock Street, the brick house across from Collis