No not for pong, but you're in luck because the Dartmouth College Marching Band is setting up our table one more time for another BANDYGRAM sale on Thursday, February 12th from 2pm to 4 pm in the same place as Tuesday, Collis Lobby.

If that wasn't enough, we even have MORE SONG CHOICES FOR YOU​* and each song goes for the incredibly reasonable price of $5.

Now we know, some of you guys have these nasty little things called 2As, and you won't be able to make it to our table. That's ok though, because if you can't make it, feel free to blitz [log in to unmask] (**) and he will be more than willing to set up a bandygram for you and figure out payment. If you're interested and can't make it, please blitz Evan BY 11:59 PM ON THURSDAY, ​because he's very busy. But after all, it's the season of love, and the marching band feels a strong desire to share it, give it, and spread it.

Once again, stay saxy my friends

*By updated, we mean we added one more song, but it's a good one, and you'll have to come to our table to find out what it is ;)

** Make sure you be careful and blitz Evan Griffith '18. There is a '15 who is also named Evan J. Griffith, and he will be very upset with me if he gets a bunch of random blitzes about the marching band.