Have you contemplated buying entire boxes of chocolate for yourself?

Well, don't, that's self destructive.

Instead, come wine about your love life at

♥ Valentine and Cheese! ♥

Wait, it's on Friday, February 13th?

Come MOURN your love life and stare into the abyss at:

 RESIGN and Cheese.

Friday, February 13th

10 pm @ Amarna

23 East Wheelock Street


☠Come dressed in your funeral best!

☠Get the sympathy of the coolest undertakers on campus!

☠Have a drink and forget about him/her/they/them!

☠Dry those tears and ask about our gender-inclusive, rush-free membership!

  So roll out of bed, out of your dorm, and into our coffins hearts!

Only at Amarna.

Not a house. A home.

[Don't know where Amarna is?]

Well, first of all, how dare you? We're the slate blue house labeled "Amarna" just past the East Wheelock Cluster and Gym, on the other side of the intersection. If you need help getting there, just ask your date! Oh, wait.


Oh god, someone date me, please.