Hey, this is a reminder that the thing in the e-mail below is happening tonight at 9pm in Berry 368.

We'll be talking about https://we.riseup.net, https://on.usilive.org, https://joindiaspora.com,<https://joindiaspora.com> and whatever anyone else wants to talk about. Come!

(reply to this email if you can't come but want to be updated on future happenings)

Should I repeat the no fascists joke?

From: The Dartmouth Radical
Sent: Thursday, January 15, 2015 6:53 PM
To: [log in to unmask]
Subject: interested in e-democracy, activist networking, and other forms of hacktivism?

Hey campus,

If you're political and a programmer, come to an informal meeting for political programmers that could be cool if people showed up and made it cool. Come if you have an idea and are looking for collaborators or if you aren't a CS person and just want to talk about political movements and computers.

It's Monday, 1/19, at 9pm in Berry 368. It's in Berry 368, at 9pm on Monday, 1/19.

If you can't come but want to, respond to this email and maybe we'll have two meetings or change the time or something.

If you can come and want to, also respond to this email so we know you are interested.

Reply to this email also if you have any questions!

All political beliefs welcome, except fascists.