Worried about resume drop and corporate recruiting?

Want to learn how to master the 1-minute pitch for interviews?

Don't know any upperclassmen who have worked at companies you're interested in?

Then join us tonight for our first meeting of the winter term! Learn the tips and tricks to a great 1-minute pitch and why it's so important to land a job.

Meet and make connections with our execs who have interned at and / or will be working full-time at:

- Bain & Company

- Bank of America

- Barclay's

- Goldman Sachs

- Nomura


6 -7 PM

PAGANUCCI LOUNGE (room to the left once you enter foco)

**And bring in your resumes &/or cover letters for feedback and personalized assistance from our senior executive board members! Just in time for resume drop for 16's!

**All majors, genders and classes are welcome?