Hey folks!

We hope you had a chance to give us your thoughts on the Green Key Survey<https://docs.google.com/forms/d/1QcnMTiULfSvhxtxRI3Opm6hw4fZObJb9tQY9mHkAhOQ/viewform> we sent out yesterday - we're looking forward to putting together a great show for you.

We really value your input, so before we wrap-up the term, we also wanted to take a minute to get your thoughts on our events this fall, and some input as we move forward with what we hope will be an exciting winter term.

Use this as your 5 minute procrastination break from whatever you are supposed to be doing and tell us what you think!

PB End-of-term survey (14F)
Our goal on the Programming Board is to provide exciting and engaging programs throughout the year, with a calendar of events that hopefully offers something for everyone. Please help us continue to plan an compelling calendar for you by completing this BRIEF 10-question survey.
Read more...<https://docs.google.com/forms/d/1eb_ULP4F3iryQEZh727yLcPm7augFaKQmdzFKgyEbVY/viewform>