Like us on Facebook in the next 24 hours for your chance to win one of 10 DIRT COWBOY GIFT CARDS we're giving away for finals period!

We'll keep you up to date with local news and events

Simply log on to Facebook and "Like" our page–we'll blitz you if you've won. Listen to us on iHeart Radio for the chance to hear your name on the air!

Keep up with our weekly blitzes again next term for more chances to win.

99 Rock is owned and operated by Dartmouth Broadcasting and includes many of your friends and classmates on staff!

Stop by our studios on the third floor of Robinson Hall for more chances to win great prizes from our local partners, and to learn about opportunities to join our organization!

Don't forget to check out our iHeart Radio station to keep up with new music from artists like The Black Keys, Young the Giant, and more!

Happy finals from 99 Rock!