You're invited to Amarna's swankiest, most highly anticipated event of the term:

Wine and-... wait, it's on the 31st?!



10pm - 1am

Friday, October 31st

Amarna, 23 East Wheelock Street

?Are you too creppy to live??
?Too spoopy to die??
Feeling as sophisticated as the Adams Family but as lonely as the Phantom of the Opera?
Got a costume you're dying to show off?
Well, swing by our house and trick-or-treat the classy way: with Wine and Cheese!

It's better than candy.

Only at Amarna.

Not a house. A home.

Don't know where Amarna is? It's just past the gym and East Wheelock. Wait for the intersection, cross the street, and look for the navy blue house with the word "Amarna" over the door. Or just Google Maps it. Look up "swanky." Just sayin'.