Halloween Falls on a Friday Once Every 7 Years

There are 9 letters in "M-A-C & C-H-E-E-S-E"

Halloween has 9 letters.

Come enjoy this non-coincidence:

HAVEN COOKING PROGRAM will be selling MAC & CHEESE  in front of ROCKY OVERHANG from 10:30PM - 1:00AM this HALLOWEEN FRIDAY.  

All proceeds will go towards Haven Cooking Program's budget for weekly meals at the Upper Valley Haven Homeless Shelter. DA$H and CASH welcome. 


The Haven Cooking Program connects students to the Upper Valley Haven Homeless Shelter through weekly meals, group excursions and campus awareness events about issues of poverty and homelessness. Through this program, volunteers and guests form relationships, building bridges between students and those struggling with rural homelessness.

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Haven Cooking Program on Facebook*