Then come watch SHEBA perform tonight!
for the
14F 21-Day Challenge
Kick-off event on Thursday, 8:30 in Collis common ground!d

Set a goal to make or break a habit, and we'll help keep you motivated for 21 days (setting you up to succeed for much longer).  
Do what it takes for you to feel great. Sign up below and pick up your personal tracking calendar in Collis, Foco, or Novack later this week!   
  ​To see ideas from past participants:  ​
Sponsored by Student Assembly, Active Minds, AXA, Beta, Psi U, Tri Delt, AZD, Kappa, Sigma Delt, Phi Delt, KD, and EKT.
"We are what we repeatedly do. Excellence, then, is not an act, but a habit.” ~Aristotle