It's a bird! It's a plane! It's an... enviro-pig?

No idea what that is? Want to find out?

Come to the Dartmouth Bioethics Group's first meeting of the term ??TODAY, October 2nd, from 5-6 PM in Collis 212! We'll be answering any questions you might have about the Bioethics Group and exploring case studies about enviro-pigs and the medical ethics of divulging doctors' errors to patients.

The Backstreet Boys take:
Who we are: We're a new discussion-based group interested in exploring grey areas and ethical dilemmas.
Where we're from: All over. Actually.
What we do: ?In the past, we've had speakers come to campus and talk about various ethical issues that they're interested in, and various case study discussions.?
As long as you love (or, you know, think these are cool)...
genetic testing * brain death * voluntourism * end of life care * any ethical dilemmas EVER

We want YOU!!!
(Hi, 18s! And everyone else!)

See you Thursday!