If you are interested in taking pictures throughout campus, having access to great camera equipment, having your pictures published in our award-winning yearbook, meeting other photographers, or getting connected with paid photographic opportunities, join the Aegis staff.

Fill out this form<https://docs.google.com/forms/d/1y2H2eW9Q9D-AxxODO2NRWXNZORjooy6XYB42slNNkK0/viewform> and we will contact you as soon as possible to get you taking pictures throughout campus.

No experience is necessary. Just enthusiasm and an interest in any of the above things!

If the above link does not work, copy and paste the following into your browser:



Photos. Photos. Photos.
Tell us more about yourself!
Read more...<https://docs.google.com/forms/d/1y2H2eW9Q9D-AxxODO2NRWXNZORjooy6XYB42slNNkK0/viewform>