If you're interested in law or policy, then the Dartmouth Law Journal is the organization for you! Whether you are an 18 or upperclassman, you'll be able to own your work and make a tangible impact in a growing organization. 
Attend our introductory meeting TODAY 7:30-8:00 PM, Carson L02 in Baker-Berry for a copy of our application. All students are welcome.

We're one of the only law journals at the undergraduate level, and one of the most established. Each spring and fall, we publish articles written by law school professors and students that we source and edit ourselves.

We're also the only student group on campus dedicated to law. Every part of our operations is entirely student run. 

- Our members and alumni offer mentorship for legal internships, fellowships, and law school. 

- We teach you how to edit an article and the details of legal citations to prepare you for your own scholarship.

- We provide a platform for you to publish your original work.

At the DLJ, you will contribute actively to our publication and grow as a result. This term, we are working with authors on articles covering public surveillance, free speech protections for professors, and privacy guaranteed by the fourth amendment. We'd be excited to have you join!

Blitz [log in to unmask]edu with questions. ​