Dear Soon-to-be-Improved Person,
​I know that it seems like every group is vying for your attention and TIME at this point in your budding career at the College on the Hill. The Rude Mechanicals, however, are more transparent by admitting that YES, of COURSE we want all of those things!

If you're interested in joining our silly group of creative collaborators and shameless theatre nerds, you should come audition!

​Tuesday September 16th from 6pm onwards.
​Reply to this blitz for a time slot and more information.

All you need is a Shakespearean monologue of your choice (it doesn't even have to be memorized)!

Just imagine - one day you could say things like this:

​“You scullion! You rampallian! You fustilarian! I’ll tickle your catastrophe!”
​-Henry IV Part 2

One day.

Until then,

The Dartmouth Rude Mechanicals