Get involved with the Sustainability Office this term! Apply to be an Intern, EcoRep, or sign up for the new S.W.A.G. Program (aka Students Who Are Green)!

Internship applications for our 2014 -- 2015 internships are now available! We are seeking awesome, creative, action-oriented interns ready to solve sustainability problems now. Complete list of internship offerings and applications attached below! Applications are due September 16th by 5:00 PM! They are short and easy to fill out so complete yours and send it in today! 

The EcoReps program is offered exclusively to 18s! As an EcoRep, you will learn how to be a sustainability change agent on campus and implement a sustainability project at Dartmouth! No previous sustainability experience required! Detailed description of the program is attached along with application! Applications are due September 18th by 5:00 PM! They are short and easy to fill out so complete yours and send it in today! 

Are you an '18 interested in getting involved with sustainability? Sign up for S.W.A.G!
S.W.A.G will pair you with an upperclassmen member of the sustainability community who will connect you to opportunities on campus! We'll host at least 3 fun get-togethers per term for SWAG -- a service day, delicious dinner, or an activity of your choice! Plus, you'll get advice on everything from course sign ups to which green group to check out, what events to go to, and how to navigate life at Dartmouth! Sign up HERE!