Brought to you by the Office of Sustainability and Green Groups Directorate

Office Hours, 12-2pm, Robo 108
Want to get involved in sustainability on campus? Have a random sustainability question? Just want to hang out and eat some yummy baked goods? Visit us for Office hours, every week on Thursdays.

Sophomore Summer Sustainability Internships
Interning in the office is an excellent way for students to connect with everything happening in sustainability on campus and to drive change here and in the world!  Please feel free to send us an email if you have any questions! Applications for internships are due Saturday, June 21,  2014 by 5pm. All applications should be sent to [log in to unmask]<mailto:[log in to unmask]>! Fill out your application today! Note: All internship positions are paid at $10 per hour.

AS ALWAYS, IF YOU WANT MORE INFORMATION, CHECK OUT OUR WEBSITE sustainability.dartmouth.edu<http://sustainability.dartmouth.edu/> AND LIKE US ON FACEBOOK!