1) Thank you for helping us make GREEN KEY 14S the best Green Key ever!
We'd really like your feedback on the concert and our other events this year so that we can continue providing great events for the student body. Please fill out this short survey<https://docs.google.com/forms/d/1YIF7tcZ8c6wa5PosUofAuPdrtvJ7ty92X7ukIe5lUp4/viewform?usp=send_form> for a chance to win Six Flags tickets AND have a say in the fall concert!

2) Are you an ARTIST? Do you MAKE things?
Interested in displaying or selling all the work gathering dust in your room? We need you for an upcoming end-of-the-term event! Respond to this blitz for more information.

3) PB & FNR are bringing you TITUS ANDRONICUS & CYMBALS EAT GUITARS this coming Friday! Doors @ 9, music starts @ 9:30, beer starts @ age 21.
