Join us at Morning Glory Community Fellowship in Cutter Shabazz Mural room at 11 a.m. ** This Sunday will be our last service in Cutter Shabazz for this term. We will also be sending-off our graduating seniors.

The sermon titled "On the flip side" will be based on Luke 9:49-50, Luke 10:1-9, and Luke 10:17-20


Sunday, May 25th, is the date for the spring term joint service with Trinity Baptist at Trinity Baptist.  Plan to be with us for what is always a great time of inspiration, fellowship, and wonderful food.

Transportation will be provided from the front of Dartmouth Hall at 10:00AM

As custom, a lovely luncheon will follow the service.

>>> Blitz us back by Thursday, May 15th if you're interested in preparing a dish or desert for the luncheon  so we can go purchase ingredients.

Many Blessings,

Morning Glory Praise and Worship Team?

"I rejoiced with those who said to me, Let us go to the house of the Lord." Psalm 122:1??