It'll happen some day.

Chess Club is happening between 8:00PM-9:00PM TONIGHT in Collis 218. Come learn to play, improve your game or study a new tactic. 

WAIT! Keep reading. 

Next Weekend is a BIG weekend (for chess, obviously). 

The Agenda:
​1. Dartmouth '75 Danny Kopec who is an International Master (read: one step less important than Watson) will be here all day Saturday, May 10th doing cool things with our club. Like what?
  • ​Playing a Simul (playing 20 students at once in 20 different games of chess at once). Think you can beat him? Think he will beat you in 5 minutes? We'd take either answer, and honestly aren't sure which one applies to us either. Reply to this Blitz to reserve your spot in that game--THERE ARE 20 SPOTS, ACT QUICKLY! Starts at 11 AM.
  • Discussing his experience playing chess and offering a variety of improvement strategies (between 1 and 3 PM).
  • Going over your 11 AM game (or one from the past) in detail and offering tactics advice (6 PM- 8 PM). 
2. THE dartmouth chess tournament will be taking place this Sunday, May 11th. Starts at noon, single elimination, novice & advanced sections. Reply to this Blitz to sign up. Get friends to sign up with you!! Fun experience/3 hour time commitment tops (if you win the whole thing). Prizes awarded. *Hanover resident 12 year olds will be there to make you feel inadequate*

​**Can't lose a whole day/weekend? PARTIAL PARTICIPATION is strongly encouraged. You do not need to come to all of these events, and are invited to pick and choose based on your own schedule** 

Flitz back with questions/sign-ups & piece out.