What went wrong?

What can be done to make them more successful in the future??

?This Tuesday marks the official end of the Israeli-Palestinian peace talks, which were revived this past summer by Secretary of State John Kerry. Whether you have an opinion or just want to know more, join us in a discussion of the failure of negotiations and what might lie ahead in the peace process, as well as the Palestinian reconciliation agreement to bring the two rival Palestinian political factions together.

When: Tomorrow Tuesday, April 29th, 6PM
Where: Rocky 209

Orient will be catered for dinner.

J Street U is a pro-Israel, pro-peace, pro-Palestinian group that promotes American diplomatic leadership in achieving a two-state solution as an end to the Israeli-Palestinian conflict.  We believe that Israeli security and democracy, as well as Palestinian human rights and statehood, can only be achieved through a two-state solution based on 1967 borders with mutually agreed-upon land swaps. J Street U is the student arm of J Street.

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