
Concept by Etai Klein, Art by YJ Kim

Caption Contest! Send us a short 1-2 sentence caption for this picture via Facebook<https://www.facebook.com/pages/DRAW-at-Dartmouth/551031828329394?fref=nf>/Tumblr<http://dartmouthdraw.tumblr.com/>/E-mail, and the writer of the best caption will receive $5 gift card to Morano Gelato!

Quick Rules:

  1.  Don't hate.
  2.  Be funny, clever, witty, and/or insightful.
  3.   Open to all members of the Dartmouth community.

(If you want to submit a comic or a comic idea for our website, please let us know! DRAW meets every Wednesday, 7:30 to 8:30 at Collis 221)

Like us on Facebook: https://www.facebook.com/pages/DRAW-at-Dartmouth/551031828329394?fref=nf
Follow us on Tumblr: http://dartmouthdraw.tumblr.com/